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This game is nice, I particularly liked the kitsune path, it seems like the best route for the most part. I'm surprised by how unfinished the spider path is, though, I was expecting it would have been the first one completed.


Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. I get why it might seem like the spiders should of been finished first, they are the main antagonists. But have considered just how great ant-girls are? Truthfully I wrote the game for the ant-girl part and the rest is just because why not.


Yeah, ant-girls are good. It's up there for my favorite exotic race, with moths and stuff. Though I think the kitsune path is nicest to play through, cause the ant-girl paths are all bittersweet, either leaving the other ant-girls behind or leaving your friends behind. 


I don't wish to spoil too much, but I think that's mostly a feature of the kitsune path not being done. The work is about transformation, becoming something or someone else. Change isn't necessarily bad, but you can never be everything to everyone. I hope you have a good year. Here's hoping I get it together writing wise this year.


Will finish later, hope to see more from you 😃

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Aww, thanks I'm glad you liked it! Did you stay with your sisters or go looking for your friends at the end?

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I think many others will agree with me when I say this has exceeded my expectations. I have not experienced any other of your works, and so I didn't know what to expect, but I certainly was pleasantly surprised. 

I was playing the version available here on the browser, if there are any inconsistencies between the gameplay and my comment, 

So, my opinion on this is:

The Ant-Queen ending was very nice, and very satisfying to see. 

Sadly, both the Spider and the Kitsune endings are unfinished, and the introduction to the Bee ending is, well, only an introduction currently. 

But then I noticed that around two months ago, you replied to someone with your plan on which routes will be updated or made in what order. In truth, it made feel quite relieved. Such a work should not be abandoned. After all, it's a one of a kind talent for storytelling, and game-making. 

Anyway, what I meant to say, the fact that you replied to someone, even two months ago (which was around my birthday, to be honest, it feels like barely a month has passed), means you are still working on this, and so, I can expect to find this updated after a while. 

And also, a Moth-Girl transformation? Really? Although those are liked, I can almost never expect them to be in these types of stories, and so I am very glad. Moths are some of my favourite animals, and I really like the design of Moth-Girls.

The only bug I noticed was in the Spider path, not on any choice, but during some kind of description. I'll try to find it, and post it under this comment later.

So, uh, sorry for writing about this so close to Christmas, Yule, or whatever other holiday you celebrate in this time of year, I just had to express my gratitude towards you in some way. 

Thank you for making this, and I hope you resume working on this when you have the time. 

Edit: decided to edit this instead of writing under it, when saying where I found the bug. Either way, it was around the current end of the "Hide" choice after being chased across the river by the spiders that are chasing you. It's before the "Onwards, it can't be much further now"


Aww thanks! It always makes my day when someone says they like my game! I'm glad you liked the ants so much. I made the game because I like ant-girls and figured they needed more content.

Yep game is under active development. It's just that since the game is mostly writing, and I'm not a very fast or consistent writer it takes a long time between releases. I also tend to get distracted with other projects, I've made like four other games while working on this one. But it's my life's work so I'll finish it eventually.

I'm hoping to have a release go out about new years. It'll be more kitsune content, I hoped to finish all of the kitsune 1 endings but it's not looking likely.

Thanks for calling me one of a kind! I wish I could claim to be a unique genius but I'm just an artist in a continuum of artists. If you liked the funny parts I'd recommend the works of Terry Pratchett. If you liked the adventure parts I'd recommend Conan the barbarian by Robert Howard (Although I've only read Hour of the Dragon.). If you liked the kitsune parts I'd recommend the works of Kij Johnson (Fudoki especially.) If you'd like games like mine, I'd recommend Runes of Pandemonium by my friend Salty Justice. ( although that's a lot better than my game. Or if you'd like another purely narrative game I'd recommend Determined, which is also a lot better than my game but sadly incomplete. (

Yep moths and moth-girls rule! A moth-girl centric work was what pushed me to do writing at all so I gotta make something with them. Sadly it's gonna be the last path because it represents the "end" of a story as open as this one. I don't want to spoil anything, but the development tag line is "What do you think of death?"

I've think I've caught that bug, but I'll do another pass over before the release. I'd just push a fix now but because of the way twine works I can only really have one working copy going at a time. At least not without rolling the dice on backing up and then deleting the current version and those are not dice to roll lightly.

Thanks for taking the time to give feedback and happy holidays!

Thank you for recommending more games like yours for me to play. I really appreciate it. 

I also tried more of your games on here, like Snow Day, and I find them to be very well made. 

So, thank you for replying, happy holidays, and I hope no ills befall you! 


Hello, I’m from Russia and I’m writing through a translator, I apologize if there are mistakes 🫸🫷, I really liked the game, I hope there will be other paths with bees, spiders and TD soon, thank you for the game!


No worries I can understand you! I'm glad you liked the game! The plan is
1. Fox/Kitsune
2. Spider
3. Bee
4. Moth

Sadly this will take a long time. But hopefully will be good when finished.


Will wait ! :3


I'm so happy You're back :')

Love you and your stories so much!


Thanks! I'm glad you like it so much!


Found this bug when on the spider path.


Thanks! It should be fixed in the next version. Forgot to close the bracket there.

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I enjoy this game its fun I'm cheering for you keep up the great work and take the time you need to get it done the way you are happy with. All i want is for you to not give up and just do your best. So go out there and be the person you want to be.

Edit: also I think it would be cool to see art of your character transforming into different species and your party members being changed. I think this would add to the experience.

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Thanks! It's coming along, I'm hoping to finish up a visual novel release soon.

I agree art would be kickass, but sadly costs money. The twine game will never have art, that's just an aesthetic choice. But I'm hoping to start adding art to the visual novel. I've just never done it before and it's a big expensive undertaking.

Edit: I did actually get transformation art!

There's also the fan art I commissioned on the first page of the twine game.


nice I rather enjoy it btw if you have a discord i would like to join it.


Sorry I don't have a discord at the moment. I'm just a single person doing this, and I don't produce work in such volume that there would be much to talk about. Maybe later though.


Hey it has been a while I hope you are doing good I'm looking forward to the update. Also I still hope to join a your discord when or if you make one but don't feel like you have to I just think it's cool to have a community help give ideas and support you. Heck if you want maybe we can be discord friends or not you don't have to. My discord is Djmc216#0286. Thx for your time and I hope you have a nice day.

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I'm doing well thank you, thanks for the continued interest!

I'm sorry I'm just not the most social of people. I guess I could tell you where to find me online. I'm on the discord sometimes as aaaac, and my twitter is although I mostly use that to compliment artists.


This game is a CYOA masterpiece, no doubt in my mind. The story was great and I almost caught myself skipping parts to see more of it faster. Forma is adorable in every sense of the word, and I can't wait for the other transformation paths to be completed. Also the ant sex is hot, not much more to say about that lol.


Aww thanks! I don't think anyone has called it a masterpiece before. I'm glad the story really grabbed you.  
Hehe, I really like ant-girls, but there isn't much stuff featuring them. So I decided I'd make the game so there was stuff about them. I'm glad it worked.


God... I loved It so much, the way you write the interaction with the characters, the emotion you put into words. It's so beautifully well made. Even the sexy moments are really nice. Thank you so much for your work, and I hope to see more in the future. Wish you all the good things <3


Thanks! I'm glad to hear that it worked even as incomplete as it is!


Such a good game keep it up!


Thanks! That makes my day to hear!


This is really good I'm surprised nobody put anything in the comments!


Awww thanks! I'm glad you liked it!